Report by:
Jonathan Luczak
Group 4: J. Luczak; C. McLeish; E. Merkel; B. Miracle; N. Schaffer; Smith
Group 4: J. Luczak; C. McLeish; E. Merkel; B. Miracle; N. Schaffer; Smith
The objective of this
lab was to conduct a
geospatial survey on the earth surface features (ESFs) created in the garden
box, which were molded out of snow. Figure 1 shows a plan view of the terrain
that was created during this lab, and includes the following features: hills
(blue circles), a valley (black outline), ridges (green rectangles), a plateau
(yellow outline), a depression (purple, translucent circle), and flat-bottomed
depressions (red outlines). Figure 1 also illustrates the direction of north,
which from now on will coincides specifically to this garden box, e.g. box-north,
-south, -east, -west.
Figure 1
Figure 1 shows a plan-view of the terrain. Green rectangles represent ridgelines; hollow blue ellipses represent the apex of hills; the black outline represents a valley depression; red outlines represent lowland plains; and the yellow outline shows a plateau. The direction of north for this specific box (box-north) is indicated by the red arrow in the lower left-hand corner of figure 1 and points towards Davies Center on the UW-Eau Claire campus. Also, note that the grey gridlines that transverse the box horizontally and vertically are each 5 cm2 for scale.
Creation of the landscape:
ESFs were carved out of snow within the garden box.
Figure 2 shows group 4 shaping the ESFs in the garden box using their hands and
Group 4 shapes the terrain in the garden box using their hands and shovels. Camera is facing approximately north and east( box-directions).
Figure 3
Setting up the survey:
A Cartesian coordinate system was set up over the garden box in order to systematically survey the box in terms of x, y, and z coordinates. An example of the completed grid pattern that resulted is shown in figure 3a. Thumbtacks and string were used to create the 5 cm2grid pattern across the box, as shown in figure 3b.
Figure 3a shows the grid system that was created to obtain x-, y-, and z-coordinates needed to model the box landscape using computer programs; the camera is approximately facing north and west. Figure 3b details how thumbtacks and string were used to create the 5 cm2 grid-cells.
Shown in figure 4, the dimensions of the inside wooden
edges were determined to be 235 on the east-west axis and 110 cm on the
north-south axis. This meant that a total of 1104 data-points would need to be
collected on a 5 cm2 grid system in order to establish the elevation
of the ESFs.
Elevation data were collected from the southwest
corner of each 5 cm2 intersection, an example of which is shown in
detail in figure 5.
Figure 4
Figure 4 shows how the working measurements for the garden box were taken inside the wooden perimeter of the box.
Figure 4 shows how the working measurements for the garden box were taken inside the wooden perimeter of the box.
Data collected during the survey were entered into a
Microsoft excel spreadsheet shown in part in figure 6a. The example excel
equation illustrated in figure 6b was used to convert the negative elevation
values obtained during the survey into positive ones based off a uniform
sea-level of 20 cm below the gridline. The “B2” portion of the equation in
figure 6b is a variable and corresponds to different excel cells while the
value of 20 is constant.
Figure 6a shows the excel spreadsheet
used to record elevation data that were collected from the box; the north-south
axis runs along the top of the spreadsheet. Figure 6b gives an example of the
excel equation used to convert the negative values in the field to positive
values with a uniform sea-level of 20 cm below the gridlines on the box.
Prior to the creation of ESFs out of snow, the
garden box was filled with snow which had to be shoveled out in order to reach
the sand frozen beneath. The frozen sand was initially to serve as the
foundation from which the ESFs would rise from or sink into, i.e. sea-level.
However, the base-layer of sand was unequally distributed throughout the box,
and thus unreliable as a point of uniform sea-level. Figure 1 shows the various
ESFs created during this project.
Shown in figure 2, group 4 sculpts the ESFs
in the garden boxes out of snow. These features were then compacted to help
ensure that elevation measurements, to be obtained later on, would be taken off
a hard surface, as opposed to having the ruler sink into the snow. Once the
terrain was complete, it was covered for the night with a make-shift tarp to
prevent snow from filling the garden box and ruining the project.
Cartesian coordinate system was set up over the box using string and thumbtacks
(figures 3a and b, respectively) so that x, y, and z data could be easily and
systematically collected. The reasoning behind the methodical collection of
data was that 1) it would be collected uniformly throughout the box and 2) that
it could be easily transferred onto a Microsoft excel spreadsheet for
conversion into a computer-generated model in part II of this project.
Shown in detail in figure 4, the grid covered the inside area of the box and was 235 cm on the east-west axis and 110 cm on the north-south. Based on recommendations made by Joel Albrecht (2013) in his blog posting for a similar lab, 5 cm was chosen as a grid interval because it would allow for more elevation points to be collected compared to a 10 cm grid pattern. It was hoped that this greater volume of data points would allow for more accurate portrayals of elevation when they were converted to 3D models in part II.
Shown in detail in figure 4, the grid covered the inside area of the box and was 235 cm on the east-west axis and 110 cm on the north-south. Based on recommendations made by Joel Albrecht (2013) in his blog posting for a similar lab, 5 cm was chosen as a grid interval because it would allow for more elevation points to be collected compared to a 10 cm grid pattern. It was hoped that this greater volume of data points would allow for more accurate portrayals of elevation when they were converted to 3D models in part II.
Once the
grid was laid over the garden box, elevation data were collected by dropping a
ruler down into the box until it reached whatever ESF was under it.
Demonstrated in figure 5, this measurement was always taken off the southwest
corner (box-direction) of each intersection point of the grid for consistency.
The resulting values were then rounded to the nearest 0.5 cm before being
recorded. For instance, using “X.x” as an arbitrary example, a reading of X.0,
X.1, or X.2 cm would all be recorded as X.0. In contrast, a reading of X.3, X.4
or X.5 cm would all be recorded as X.5. Similarly, this rounding method would
be repeated for numbers greater-than/equal-to X.5 as follows: measurements of
X.5, X.6, and X.7 were all recorded as X.5; while measurements of X.8, X.9, and
Y.0 were recorded as Y.0; where “Y” is symbolic of the next greater number
relative to “X”.
The reason for rounding in the manner described above is so that any slack in the string would not result in skewed elevation values. Also, since the thumbtacks were not driven into the wood completely, this rounding would account for any height differences among them as well. An example of the height variations among the thumbtacks is shown in figure 7 below.
The reason for rounding in the manner described above is so that any slack in the string would not result in skewed elevation values. Also, since the thumbtacks were not driven into the wood completely, this rounding would account for any height differences among them as well. An example of the height variations among the thumbtacks is shown in figure 7 below.
Figure 7
Since thumbtacks were not driven
completely into the wood edges of the box, measurements were rounded to 0.5 cm
to account the resulting variance in elevation.
resulting from the collection of elevation data were entered into a spreadsheet
created in Microsoft excel. Elevation data were entered as negative values into
the spreadsheet, shown figure 6a. A
second, identical excel spreadsheet was created that used an excel formula to
add 20 units (figure 6b) to each corresponding value in the first spreadsheet.
The decision to make 20 cm sea-level in the box was based on the fact that the
lowest data-point collected in the box was -20 cm, and a positive range of
elevation data was desired for this project. This excel data was used to model
the ESFs in 3D-raster programs for part II of this project.
The terrain survey was interesting because
it forced one to think in spatial terms. For instance, planning and using a
Cartesian coordinate system in order to obtain accurate data points was
challenging because one had to ensure that all points in the real-world matched
those on paper, in addition to those in excel.
While it seemed that the data was fairly
accurate, some simple measures to ensure a greater degree accuracy could be
undertaken in the future projects. Some of these measures include, making sure
that thumbtacks were inserted completely and that the lines were held tight during
the survey. Taking these precautions may have allowed for more accurate
measurements to include rounding to the nearest tenth of a centimeter rather
than the nearest half.
One interesting
exercise for future labs may be to take a final survey of the terrain using
some sort of laser scanner. Elevation data using this method could then be
modeled and compared to the data obtained manually at the beginning of the lab.
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